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Ladies of the Lake

fundraising calendars

(or whatever title fits your needs)
Wall calendars with a cover photo and twelve images, one for each month.  Heavy stock paper and photos of 8.5" by 11" for each page.  Calendar size total is 11" wide by 17" tall (photo on top half of each month).
Current prices:      51-100 $17.99       101+ $15.99       Plus tax    (pricing subject to change)
Fantastic fundraiser for lake associations, and charity groups as these calendars regularly sell for $35.-$45. at such events.
Who would not buy a calendar, or several knowing the women on there were ladies living on the lake, or members of that group, and the profits will go toward improving that organization.  
Imagine each month getting a different lady doing what she likes to do the most (Water skiing, fishing, boating, gardening, swimming, horseback riding, or whatever the theme of your organization is about).
Plenty of space by each day to jot notes, and standard holidays noted.
Without faces showing, you will keep them guessing as to who the month's lady is.  Calendars can be done with or without faces showing.

Cover image is of your lake, activity, or group photo of all the ladies along with the name of the lake or activity, and the title "Ladies of the Lake" or "Ladies of the ______".  You need to supply 12 ladies for your project.
Please contact me for pricing on photography work.  I make no money on the calendars, or from your calendar sales.
All calendars are at my cost.  I donate my time editing images and putting together the calendars.  I do charge for my photography work, but my rates are lowered and can be forgiven totally for some of the work, depending upon each lady's allowance, or not, as to whether I am able to shoot some images for my gallery shows.  If I am allowed to do so, I do not charge for that set.
After all fees are paid, the average profit for you is about $2,000. / 100 Calendars sold.
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